
Massage uses touch through rubbing or kneading of parts of the body to aid circulation, relax the muscles, and release tension. It helps with stress, sore muscles, improved circulation, relaxation and so much more.

iHeart Massage brings you the benefits of massage in the comfort of your own home, office and events. Yes you read that correctly: MASSAGE IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME, OFFICE OR EVENTS!!!

No more having to get up and go to a spa or clinic to receive a massage. With iHeart Massage just book your appointment via phone, email, or website and that’s that.

Who is Rudy  EL-Khoury? What is iHeart Massage?

Schooling: Cleveland chiropractic college of los angeles’ extensive 650hour massage therapy program which consisted of the following: biology, anatomy, physiology, pathology, business ethics, Swedish massage, Deep Tissue massage, Sports massage, Asian theory and history.

Additional/relative schooling:
Graduate of UCLA’s Health & Fitness program
Background in Kinesiology
Certified Graduate of Penn Fosters Physical Therapy Aide Program
Chiropratic Assistant
Certified in Kinesiotaping